Monday, October 31, 2005


Good Morning Friends!! I don't know about all of you but I've been HUGE busy with the Halloween Holiday. I know that some people don't get into it.. but I'm not one of them.. Parties, Costumes, decorations... the works! So inbetween work, seasonal festivities and well... the after-effects of said activities, I'm a little pressed for time to sit down and write so I decided to dip into my archives. And you know I'd never leave you without a little something new... so at the end I'm sharing my favorite Halloween drink recipe ::grin:: 'Martian Piss'.

Therefore... without further adieu.... I give you..

Freeway Day Spa

Alright, so everyone knows that women are infamous for finishing their routine beauty rituals while in the car. Admittedly I think I'm probably one of the worst. I pretty much have a day spa in my car (prepared for anything as always).

So I'm driving along this morning putting on lip gloss, minding my own business, when some Neanderthal hogarbeast of a human BLARES his freakin clown car horn at me. So, wondering if I missed a light, failed to use my turn signal or had my skirt hanging out the car door ::I'm grasping at this point wondering why the nimrod honked at me:: I brake and look around. Well that must have really ticked him off. He pulled next to me and started yelling out his window... of course I don't know what he's yelling because ... uh my window's up - duh! Well the horrid little ogre follows me to the gas station and hops out. Oh Boy! He proceeds to scream at me about "*#%$! Women putting on their &%^@# makeup in their cars" ::sigh:: and I thought it was something serious. But this guy is irate! Well, never one to miss a golden opportunity for revenge I take stock of the parking lot: 2 business men, 1 woman and kid, and a big construction guy.... So what do I do... LOL what would any girl worth her salt do? I started crying... LOUD... Put the little arm up to fend him off. LOL... The construction guy followed by the two business men came to my aid and the woman went into the gas station and told the attendant who proceeded to call the police ::grin::

This is so fabulous I'm relishing it even as I retell it.

Well anyhow, the police officer was reeeeally nice... um to me. The guy got a ticket for road rage and a warning for harassment. To quote one of my favorite comedians, that little "rich, white, uptight, tofu-fartin fairy" got what he deserved. Mind your own damn business when you're driving your car! Dang... While he was busy chewing me a new one and not watching the road he could have caused an accident.

::smooches all:: Mara

**LOL, That happened this past June and is STILL funny... what a little hogarbeast. Ok, ok, ok... and as promised here is the recipe for 'Martian Piss'.

2- 2 liter bottles Mt. Dew
5th Vodka
12 Martian Bouncy Balls (you can get them out of those toy vending machines or buy them at WalMart...I friggin hate WalMart)

Put the bouncy balls in the freezer over night.
Chill the Mt. Dew and Vodka. Pour it into a punch bowl.
Add the bouncy balls and put it under a black light... it glows in the dark.

Yeah... I know.. WOW Mara... that was HARD... but it looks sweet as hell. Looks like everyone's drinking some sort of nuclear run off LOL....



P.S. I want you all to tell me what you think..


  • At 8:29 AM, Blogger Aisha T. said…

    MUAHAHAHAHA!!! I love it! Yes, the waterworks usually have knights in shining armor running. A guy this weekend told my gentleman friend to "Take it easy over there" in a threatening voice after he smacked me on the ass. Even though I asked for the smack. Thanks for the recipe and oh yeah, one is never too old to trick or treat. The treats just get a little more adult with age *wicked grin* I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!

  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger Maverick said…

    too funny! i thought that story would end badly, but good for you. watch the road though, but fuck that dude. he got what he deserved

    Spitting in a Wishing Well

  • At 9:41 AM, Blogger Bsoholic said…

    That does sound like a good recipe! Also as far as trick-or-treating, I say go for it! You only live once.

  • At 9:43 AM, Blogger WDKY said…

    The man was a fool. I'd just have watched and considered myself fortunate x

  • At 10:21 AM, Blogger nitewalk6 said…

    At 20+ everyone should be "Trick or Drinking".. makes for a inexpensive drunk if you hit the right houses.

  • At 12:32 PM, Blogger Sid said…

    crying is not jus the end to a girls starts one helluva lotta problems for the move there mara!

  • At 2:49 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said…


    Yes! You're never too old to go trick-or-treating, as long as you could pull it off. Just make sure you can still pull it off. ;)

  • At 3:02 PM, Blogger The Seeker said…

    Depends on what they are trick or treating for... heh hehe.

    If it's candy or children, then hello no. If it's a little treat, well, that's different. lol

  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger Angela said…

    Erm are you tricking ??? or erm treating? *evil grin* Happy Hauntings

  • At 10:03 PM, Blogger Tha BossMack TopSoil said…

    Your a sagacious bitch, holla at your peoples.

  • At 3:10 PM, Blogger David Stehle said…

    That's priceless. Smart thinking! I wish I was a woman with the ability to hit the "auto tears button" whenever the mood fit. I see it working for women everywhere to get them out of the most sticky of situations.

  • At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG that's an awesome story! Sometimes you gotta turn on the waterworks. LOL
    Works everytime ;)

  • At 2:29 PM, Blogger wopanese said…

    how terrifyingly and sweetly evil that was. As they sometimes say, "Choice."


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