Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Once upon a time, and not so long ago, there was a beautiful Fairy Ice Princess (we'll call her Princess Amara). She lived in a sparkling ice kingdom and was very very happy...

Princess Amara had many jobs and was always busy doing something fabulous.... helping make snowflakes, lending a hand to the tooth fairy... you know, cool stuff.
But her most favorite thing to do was help Santa. Santa's a really neat guy... and he smells like cookies. Everyone who knows ANYTHING knows that fairies LOVE cookies.

Some of Santa's helpers at the radio station close to Princess Amara's castle were doing something really special. The city's transportation department had donated a bus for them to fill with toys for needy children. Princess Amara thought this was very noble and went to WalMart right away to buy a dump truck, an Easy Bake Oven, a sled and a shiney new bike. She flew across the parkinglot straightaway and gave the toys to the handsome Marines officer who was helping to collect the toys and stuff the bus.

Night and day Santa's helpers from the radio station kept vigil over the bus, encouraging their listeners to bring toys and spreading holiday cheer, until one day a man came and knocked on the door to the bus.......

Santa's helpers from the radio station greeted him with warm smiles and holiday cheer.

"Thanks for stopping by, have you come to deliver a toy?" they asked.

"NO!" said the man with an angry snarl.
"I've come to shut this silly operation down. I HATE anything to do with Christmas and I OWN this parking lot! I don't care about toys or kids or Christmas! Take your bus away from here or I'll have it towed away!!"
With that he stormed off into the snow....

Well, Santa's helpers were very sad and the little one, began to cry. But, with the help of the big man at the radio station they found a new place to set up their Christmas bus, and as soon as the word spread, toys were coming in from all over... boxes, bags and truckloads of them!

Well, Princess Amara was very happy that things had turned out so well. But, there was one thing she felt still had to be taken care of.

Gathering all her Ice Princess power she created oodles and kaboodles of snowflakes. She made snowflakes all though the night never once stopping, not even to eat sugar cookies.

In the morning she looked out over the mean man's house with an angelic smile...... and thought...............................



Christmas is a season of love and giving. Please donate to your local charities! For all the locals, drop by Victors Way and help Bubba and Katie from W4Country STUFF THE BUS!



  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger Grimstarr said…

    Great Story! I have been a big supporter of Toys for Tots and many other charities. Just kinda makes the holiday season worthwhile. You're a doll

  • At 4:42 AM, Blogger A Bronx Tale said…

    cute little story...

    yes donate to your local SPCA. i took Luca for pics and donated. to many cute puppies there.

  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger Samantha Alice said…


  • At 4:07 AM, Blogger Suze said…

    A heart warming tale Mara. As for the snow can you send some over to the UK. It's not looking very festive at the moment.

    As for the Scrooge character, may he slip on ice and hurt his ass.


  • At 9:16 AM, Blogger EXSENO said…

    His name must of been Scrouge. Srew Mr. Scrouge. It hard to believe people can be such jerks. Merry Christmas Mara
    and Mr. Scrouge, Merry Christmas M I hope it hurts your ear drums to hear it.hohoho

  • At 6:41 AM, Blogger wopanese said…

    A very nice story. PLEASE tell me someone went and kicked the parking lot owner right in the ding ding.... HARD.

    And like I said before, you're such the honey.


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