Have you ever stopped to analyze an aspect of your personality and come to the realization that you yourself are one MESSED UP individual! Well, that is exactly what happened to me the other day with regard to my sick and sadistic sense of humor.
You must understand friends... I come from a LOOOOONG line of humorously twisted minds. For instance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~begins reminiscing~~~~~~~~~~~
One year when I was about 13 my grandfather, a notorious jokester, removed the hood ornament from my grandmothers chevy station wagon telling her it had been stolen. It was the middle of the winter and cold as hell outside. Grandpa went into his backroom and pulled a dead mouse out of one of the traps he had set (we lived in the country people - lots of mice). Grandpa then proceeded to freeze Mr. Mouse to the hood of Grammy's car. AS IF it weren't enough to have a mouse frozen to the hood of the car, Grandpa had put a little cocktail umbrella in it's paws and froze that there as well. He was so proud of that. Grammy was infuriated but sported Mr. Mouse on the hood of her car for a good 2 months... FRIGGIN PRICELESS PEOPLE!
~~~~~~~~~~~~reminiscing once again~~~~~~~~~
Moving onto another devious joking master mind in my family...... I will never forget the night before my father's vasectomy. The doctor had sent a list of things he would need to bring to the appointment, one of them was an athletic supporter. Dad had packed everything he was going to need into a little duffle bag and gone to bed to dream of um.... well I wouldn't wager a guess as to what his dreams were that night... I mean come on people, the man was gettin his boys snipped, that can't be too pleasant. And I would imagine the prelude of thoughts accompanying the actual event isn't a picnic either. Anyway, after Dad had gone to bed, my Mom um...... made sure everything was in order for the next day, she didn't want him to be ill prepared - she's awful sweet like that ::wicked little grin::
Well, Dad went in the next day and got his nads nipped. At the end of the procedure with the doctor and nurse in attendance dear old Dad was asked to produce the 'support' he would be wearing home. He reached into the box and pulled out......... a confection of pink frothy lace, sequins and little applique hearts. It seems that Mommy dearest had made a few um.... adjustments to said 'support'. This thing looked like something from a Las Vegas Drag Queen Reunion!!! Well the doctor and nurse both lost it and Dad, about ready to die, had to wear that exquisite little thing home....
LMAO.... good stuff people, good stuff.
Which brings me to this past weekend.... Christmas. Christmas morning had come and gone and Tango and I were pretty much both exhausted from all the activities and last minute shopping leading up to it. However, we had one more Christmas we had to go to, my parents.
I could see that Tango was exhausted... pathetic little purple shadows under his eyes, yawning every couple of seconds.. So, being the sweet pixie I am, I offered to drive. My parents live a good hour and a half away and it would give him a nice little nap before being thrown to the wolves ::waggles her eyebrows::
It took me about ten minutes to get to the highway during which Tango reclined his chair and made himself comfortable. 20 minutes into the trip Tango began to snore softly... awww.... poor tired little baby.
Now friends... you must understand, I have the attention span of a retarded fruit fly. I need to be entertained almost constantly or I will FIND SOMETHING to entertain me. I think that's why I can multi-task so well - need to keep my mind very active.
So, I begin humming to myself... which turns into tapping out a rhythm in sinc with Tango's little snores... bah dah dah dah..... Up in the distance I see a semi hauler (you know, a semi that hauls semi's) and begin to sing...
"Big Wheel keep on turnin... Proud Mary keep on Burnin and we're Rollin ..ROLLIN...Rollin...ROLLIN.... Rollin on a River...
Peeping over at Tango sleeping so contentedly I just couldn't help myself. Easing up behind the Semi hauler, getting as close as I possibly could, I matched his speed and set the cruise control. Now, if you've ever seen a semi hauler, you know that they haul the semi rigs backwards on them......::grin::
Placing both hands on the wheel and giving one last look at the darling sleeping Tango... I scream OH MY GOD!! And let out a shriek that would have made Satan stand up and shake.
Tango's eyes flew wide open and seeing what appears to be the grill of an 18 wheeler coming through our windshield head on.. lets out a scream to equal mine and throws both arms over his face and brings one knee up to his chest preparing for impact....
I.... just.... DIED!! It was so damn funny. Realizing that he hadn't been squashed and hearing my maniacal laughter he knew he'd been PUNKED! Do I need to say that he was just a tad less than enchanted with me?? In all sincerity, once the look of sheer heart-stopping terror had left his face, he kind of looked like he wanted to murder someone... um.. me? Seriously people, he didn't speak to me for TWO WHOLE DAYS.... do you know how bored I got... Damn!
So now I'm in the process of 'making it up to him'... blah blah blah... ::sigh:: I know it was mean.... BUT DAMN WAS IT FUNNY! ::slaps her leg::
At 1:40 PM,
Wenchy said…
Wishing you all good things for 2006!
At 1:50 PM,
nitewalk6 said…
OMG, that was SOOO funny, I had to wipe my eyes at the "screaming" part. I too am a prankster so I could relate to pulling that one. A VERY Happy, Safe and Prosperous 2006 to you Mara AND your faithful readers (admirers).
At 2:06 PM,
Wenchy said…
LOL smooches... gotta love that. :)
At 2:53 PM,
Chedder Fish said…
holy crap that's hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 5:24 PM,
Aisha T. said…
LMAO over here. *note to self: never let Mara's and Aisha's family meet. It will be a new natural disaster*
I couldn't stop laughing about your mom and dad. Then, Tango....he didn't talk to you for two days? Didn't he learn his lesson of what happens if you have no one to talk to?
At 6:48 PM,
The Witch Doctor said…
OMG thats too funny... are you a lost relative of mine perhaps... lol told my hubby "I think I just found somebody as twisted as we are..."
That was awesome.. I'll have to remember that for my next road trip >:)
At 7:15 PM,
*** said…
Oh my gosh, thank you for sharing! Those are the most hilarious memories, and I love what you did with Tango. I can't believe he would actually be mad about that! Good job, Mara!
At 8:51 PM,
Kyle said…
Scotty dont want you to have my link so Ill give it to you myself.
At 9:26 PM,
Polyman2 said…
All very funny,
especially the vasectomy
At 10:55 PM,
pkeclub said…
very funny. tango shouldnt be so sensitive. have a happy new year
At 4:29 AM,
A Bronx Tale said…
Don't drink to much...
have fun...
At 5:56 AM,
bricotrout said…
OMG!!! your moms joke on your dad with the support is priceless!!! this totally makes me want to step up to another level on the practical joke slide scale ruler!! even though that IS NOT THE TIME to be messing with a guy it is still beyond classic!! can i marry into your family in some way or another at all???
At 6:23 AM,
Suze said…
Mara, remind me never to sleep in your company. LOL.
Happy New Year to you, see you in 2006. ;)
At 7:44 AM,
Gary said…
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At 8:39 AM,
Some Random Girl said…
Dude, seriously that's one of the best practical jokes I've read! What a good one! ha ha ha LMAO!
My uncle and husband are big practical jokers....how about consulting for me and helping me get them back for all the torment they have put me through!
Happy New Year!
At 9:13 AM,
Kid Ric said…
How funny.
Happy New Year to you and your family my friend.
"Chat after the New Year" will take place on Sunday January 8th 2006 at 2pm Mountain time at BallerinaGurl's. Will be inviting special guests so you never know who will show up and make our time more enjoyable.
Peace, love and light.
At 7:52 PM,
Grimstarr said…
Gurl, remind me never to marry you! LOL. I would have been a widow by now. But that is good shit. Luv you and Happy New Year to you and yours.
At 9:52 AM,
Maverick said…
I absolutely love that! I wish I had a GF who was so fun, even if it WAS at my own expense! Happy New Year
Spitting in a Wishing Well
At 11:39 AM,
EXSENO said…
OMG, it's a wonder he didn't have a heart attack, Mara you mean thing. hmmmm I gonna have to try that one.
At 12:14 PM,
Pirate said…
That's how i look when Mrs. Pirate drives.
At 3:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
ROTFLMFAO!!!!! I must be just as twisted 'cause I'm still laughing!!! Should've done a video! :)
Happy New Year Mara! Woofs from the Buffledog!
At 6:25 PM,
Natalia said…
Good panks an actually be awesome to be on the recieving end of... but you have to know the person well enough to know they will not freak out. Well done you :)
At 9:47 AM,
Michael said…
OMG, those are great. OK if I borrow them for use at a later time? (the pranks, not the stories).
Here's hoping (raises cup of "chemically-enhanced" coffee) you get everything you want in 2006!
At 10:24 AM,
honkeie said…
Oh my god that is funny as hell. My worst was something like that but I was the sleeping passanger and the g/f was driving. I "woke up" and scream like a bat out of hell and almost gave her a heart attack. Mind you we were in motion when it happened, she was really pissed off! But she wasnt marriage material so it really didnt matter in the end. But funny as hell.
At 4:16 PM,
BTExpress said…
I am ROTFLMAO!!! You are twisted and have a twisted family. I love it!
At 6:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
That was pure genius! Tango has no appreciation for your talents, I see.
At 7:46 PM,
Lee Ann said…
OMG...I am laughing so hard, I could barely finish reading the last paragraph. I love it. I am going to be laughing about that one for a long time. Poor Tango....hahahaha
I literally have tears swelling up in my eyes. Crap, now my contacts are blurry.
Thanks for the huge laugh.
At 7:52 PM,
MamaKBear said…
OMFG! I am still laughing as I type this! I chuckled a bit at all the practical jokes you described, but what you did was absolutely PRICELESS!!
Hubby is a truck driver, so yeah, I know exactly what that looked like (and actually they're just commercial grade tow trucks, they haul other vehicles besides semis...but I digress)...hehehe...I'll definitely have to remember this one!
Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you were around...now, see? I didn't even know you ever came by besides on Thursdays! :)
At 4:41 PM,
SCH said…
Thats Hilarious!! I wish I had thought of doing that before! I have someone in mind already though!! Semi truck... hehehe!! I love Grandpa's mouse also!
At 7:35 AM,
The Seeker said…
Each of those stories is fantastic... so much fun.
At 12:01 PM,
Memphis said…
That was FUNNY!
Gotta get me a truck hauler for sure!
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