I'll bet you didn't know this!
This may come as a surprise to those of you not living in Las Vegas
but there are more Catholic churches there than casinos. Not surprisingly,
some worshipers at Sunday services will give casino chips rather than
cash when the basket is passed.
Since they get chips from so many different casinos, the churches have
devised a method to collect the offerings. The churches send all their
collected chips to a nearby Franciscan Monastery for sorting and then
the chips are taken to the casinos of origin and cashed in.
This is done
by a chip monk.
At 8:05 AM,
wopanese said…
it's official. I am slain
At 8:06 AM,
Brian said…
that is pretty funny...
At 8:12 AM,
Margaret said…
At 8:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Bwahahahahahaha! Amara on a roll! :)
Wha'? No HNT today babe? :/
At 8:31 AM,
Mara said…
OMFG!! I thought it was Wednesday!! See how fecked up I am!! ooooohhh ::moans::
I'll post HNT tonight. Promise!
At 9:54 AM,
Michael said…
Good one. Did you make that up yourself?
At 1:40 PM,
Suze said…
Funny you should feature this Mara. We have been visited by the Vatican City State recently.
Could someone be doing some research? LOL.
At 7:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ah ha! :)
Just come by and visit - haven't seen you in a while - hurry while there still bufflepuppy pics up! :)
At 8:15 PM,
*** said…
That is hilarious.
And on a different note...I finally tune in from home only to see no nudity on HNT? What the hell? What, you're going to do it every over Thursday while I'm checking you out absent mindedly from work, but not today?
Oh the shame...
(yes, all in good humor)
At 8:37 AM,
Grimstarr said…
You fucking kill me girly. You had me from the words "I bet" and I swallowed hook, line and sinker. Have a good weekend.
::ahem:: By the way Thursday was YESTERDAY! just sayin ::ahem::
At 6:29 AM,
Billy said…
At 1:29 PM,
Dave Morris said…
Hook, line and sinker. Sorry I totally fell for that.
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