TIPPYHey there again friends. I know I haven't posted in a few days... but as I stated earlier, I've been under a little stress at work. Actually the highlight of the week should actually be classified as more insanity than anything.
Have you ever come across anyone or anything that truly made you question the intelligence of our race as we know it. I mean, we all have a brain and most try to exercise it on a daily basis.... but I'm talking someone sooooo eccentric that they've crossed the line and gone from eccentric to DOWN RIGHT DISTURBING!
Well I was in the office Friday afternoon (I'm an exec assistant), when an interview was sent up to my office. I called into 'Mr. Boss Man' and told him that his interview..... let's call him 'Dingo'.... had arrived. 'Mr. Boss Man' asked me to inform 'Dingo' that he was wrapping up a meeting and would only be a second. After 10 minutes with no 'Mr. Boss Man' and 'Dingo' fidgeting in his seat like he had a flaming case of the crabs, I decided to ease his nervesand strike up a conversation.... it went something like this....
Mara: So... Dingo.... do you live far? Was it a long drive in?
Dingo: Not really, there was a huge traffic accident though. I drove right past it. Police, firetrucks, ambulances all over, I even got to see a body bag.
::wonderful... we're dealing with Dr. Dingo Death here::
Mara: Wow, I had heard that there had been an accident. I guess I didn't realize it was that serious. That's tragic.
Dingo: Yup
Mara: Sooo, um, what do you think of our office? Did you have any difficulty finding it?
Dingo: I like your Halloween decorations, is that cat a candy bucket.
(OK... we're going to stop right here for a second... WTF! Did I ask him about Halloween.. where the hell did that come from. Did he forget to take his friggin Ridilin? What the hell... did I offer you a fuggin snickers from my cat... friggin moronic, twitterpated imbicile)
Mara: Yes, that's my Halloween kitty candy basket.. she's kind of the office pet. ::lame laugh::
(Well the limp bonered nimrod helps himself to a HANDFUL of candy and sits back down... well allllrighty then!)
Mara: um.... help yourself....
Dingo: ::stupidly grins and nods:: So being that you've dubbed the candy basket the office pet does that mean that you like animals?
Mara: ????????? um.. actually, I love animals, how about you.
Dingo: Oh yeah, I'm a HUGE animal lover.
Mara: Really? What do you have?
Dingo: Nine Birds.
Mara: ?????????? NINE........ Birds. Wow, are any of them parrots?
(Now friends... one would have thought that I would have shut my mouth right there... I mean FUCK!! Nine birds... no wonder he doesn't have a wife, girlfriend, kids.... he's probably dwelling in a 1 bedroom apartment swelling with PARROT POOP!)
Dingo: Yeah.. all of them are parrots.
Mara: O.O ::big eyes:: Do any of them talk?
(Holy shit.. was that the wrong question to ask...as you will see in what follows, bad went to worse. For the next 25 minutes I was regaled with parrot-tales from this insipid little twit while 'Mr. Boss Man' was 'gonna be here in just a second'... ::mentally shrieks::)
Well, 'Dingo went into an entire dialogue about his talking parrots. Apparently 6 of the little feathered beasts can talk. He's been interviewing for the last couple of months and during that time his feathered apprentices have been learning a WHOLE LOT....
First I received the story of his little gray parrot that has a 200 word vocabulary and is intelligent enough to build on his vocabulary to the point of carrying on entire conversations all by himself... Sounded to me like 'Dingo' had carried on a few too many conversations 'all by himself'..... if you know what I mean. Anyway.. 'Dingo' told me that at all hours of the day and night this little gray would mimick telephone interviews:
Parrot: Awwwwk.... HALLO!
Parrot: Yes.. this is Dingo
Parrot: Awwwk... Tuesday will be fine
Parrot: OK.. See you then
Parrot: Awwwwk!
Parrot: CLICK! Awwwwk!
The dude was frickin TALKING LIKE A PARROT IN MY OFFICE! But it didn't end there... oh no! Dingo proceded to tell me how difficult it is living with 9 parrots, 6 of which can talk... really Dingo? I never would have fucking guessed... you weird ass, feather fluffing, ornothologic pervert! He likened it to living with a bunch of 3 year olds... don't ask. Anyway he said that whenever he answers the phone 'Hello'... it breaks the entire group into a chorus of screeching HALLO! AWWWWKKK!!! HALLO!!!... while he's trying to talk on the phone. To make matters worse apparently he as a Macaw that is somewhat of the 'matriarch' of the group and knows how and when to use the phrase 'Shut up'... So imagine if you can... 'Dingo', sitting in my office, imitating his telephone call with 6 different parrot voices screeching "Hallo!" and one very high and very annoying falsetto voice screaming "SHUT UUUUUPPPP, SHUT UUUUUPPP!!"
About this time I hear a snort come from the office down the hallway... that would be Maggie. Now you see, Maggie and I have a deal. If either of us gets into a bad meeting we have a code word... we page the other person and say "You have an urgent call from Mildred on line 1"... lol... Mildred is such a great name. Anyway, I can hear Maggie snorting with laughter in her office and know I am doomed... no help from Maggie.. traitor.
Well, 'Dingo' calms himself down somewhat and grabs another handful of candy (which I'm personally thinking is a bad idea considering how frikkin hyper the dude is to begin with.) Just when I thought he was finished he looks up with eyes shining and says... "I really love my birds" Well... no friggin DUH ya freak! Then he says... "my favorite is the little gray.. his name is Tippy. We call him Tippy because he has a little balance problem. One minute he'll be sitting on his perch and the next minute... THUNK! He'll be laying on the bottom of his cage staring at you." In stunned silence I continue to listen to this bird loving hermit... "but you don't need to worry about Tippy," he says, "the very next minute he's back up on his perch"
At this point 'Dingo' begins pumping his arms back and forth while sitting in his chair in an immitation of 'Tippy' swinging on his perch. "Nope, not Tippy.... he can really get that perch swinging and every time he falls down he gets right back up and starts singing.....
At this point we heard footsteps coming down the hallway.. 'Dingo' composed himself, cleared his throat (after all that fucking warbling), straightened his tie and shook hands with 'Mr. Boss Man'.
I sat is stunned silence as 'Dingo' was led off into his interview. From behind me I heard another snort as Maggie fell out into the hallway, red faced and literally dying of laughter... I ranted and raved at her for not helping me out to which she said she couldn't... she had been laughing too hard to pick up the phone. I wasn't truly mad... I would have done the same thing to her had situations been reversed!
An hour later 'Mr. Boss Man' and 'Dingo' came out from the interview. Maggie and I waited while he was shown to the door then both gathered at the door to 'Mr. Boss Man's' office.
Mara: So, what did you think?
Mr. Boss Man: ....::pregnant pause::..... Well.... I liked him!
O.O !!!! He plans to call and make 'Dingo' an offer today. HAPPY FUCKING MONDAY TO ME!